First click on FileZilla below. Then download and install the Client only, not the server.                
Home Page
Once ZileZilla is installed, open it and you'll see this, but the Host and Username will be blank.    
Enter this information in those blank boxes:            
In the Host box enter:    
In the Username put:    
Password for everyone:    Upload4free!    
Then click on Quickconnect. Do not enter the Port number.      
You'll get something like this:  
Your computer is on the left. The upload practice folder is on the right. That folder is where you'll drag your mp4 video to.   
Just to see how it all works, simply drag any file to the right into the practice space. The public may see, download and view your video and also delete it on the right so do not upload anything that is important to you. This is just for practice.  
Once you send us an email saying that you would like to upload a video, picture, music or even written work if you want to, we will reply to your email with your folder name and password. Send email to:  
If your email allows you to send small videos, you may send us a sample of your work that way, but it would be better if you were patient and just wait until we give you your own folder.  
After you upload your work to your own personal folder we will be able to decide whether or not your work is appropriate and shows talent. Once we determine that your work is good, it will be moved to another folder that can be viewed by the public. Beyond that, no rules have been made regarding the future of this website or your work. Right now, December 11, 2016, this is all an experiment to see if we can be a success. I believe there will be many changes to come so by you submitting work to us there is no guarantee we will accept it for publication.   
For now, do not upload anything that is important to you or private because anyone can look at it in the upload practice folder.  
To open your file on the right, right-click on that file and select "View/Edit." Don't forget that anyone can do this so perhaps if you sent a simple file such as a Word file just to see if you, it would be safer for you.   
If you do not see your file after about 10 seconds, click your F5 key in Windows or click on View in FileZilla and then Refresh in other operating systems such as the Mac.   
FileZilla is unforgiving so if you delete a file, it's gone forever.   
Keep in mind that FileZilla is free. You shouldn't complain.  
I used FastStone Capture to capture the images above. It can be downloaded from:  
You may donate a few dollars to them if you like.